20 magical places to visit in Romania
Romania is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Romania is located in the southeast-central point of Europe, bordering Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bulgaria. The scenic landscapes and mythical castles give Romania a distinctive look, which distinguishes it apart from other European countries.
This moss swamp differs from anything you have ever seen before. The thick blankets of rich green moss completely swallows the rocks beneath them, giving this vivacious swamp its unique appearance.
The Ceahlău Massif belongs to the Bistriţa Mountains of the Eastern Carpathians, and fall into the Moldova region. The Ceahlău Massif is often referred to as the mountain of many legends, involving gods and worship. The elevation at the top is approximately 6,257 feet or (1,907 meters).
This magnificent image of a sunflower field, captures a breathtaking view of the sun slowly setting into place. Sunflowers are responsible for producing sunflower seeds, which make for a very healthy snack. Sunflowers can grow taller than six feet as well.
4) Natural Shower at Bigar Waterfall
The Bigar Waterfall, also known as the Izvorul Bigăr, is based in the southwestern Romanian territory of Bozovici. It is approximately 176.60 hectares or (436.4 acres). The Bigar Waterfall is ranked first among eight unique waterfalls around the world.
The Transfăgărășan was built in 1974, and originally constructed as a strategic military route. The road begins near the village of Bascov, and extends to the utmost peaks of the Southern Carpathians, stretching for 60 miles or (90 kilometers). The roads are also crossed by flocks of sheep, which can be seen below.
6) Magical Sunrise Over The Rodna Mountains
The Rodna Mountains are based in Maramureş region of Northern Romanian, near the village of Rodna Veche. The mountains make for perfect hiking trips and ideal skiing resorts. The thick golden smog in the image below adds a mystical touch to the gorgeous Rodna Mountains.
Biertan is a small commune based just north of the Sibiu County, and renowned for its fortified church, which dates as far back as to the 13th century. The church belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and hosts The "Luna Plină" Horror and Fantasy Film Festival.
The Bucegi Mountains are located in the central Romanian city of Brașov. The mountains are divided into three ranges, which includes the Bucegi Mountains, Piatra Craiului Mountains, and the Leaota Mountains. It was even rumored that the God Zalmoxis once lived in a cave on the Bucegi Mountains. Judging by the views, who could blame him!
This legendary Gothic-Renaissance castle once held the notorious Vlad the Impaler as prisoner, under the direct supervision of John Hunyad, who was Voivode of Transylvania or (highest-ranking official in Transylvania). The castle was built in 1446, and is also known as Hunyad Castle or Hunedoara Castle.
Peleș Castle was completed in 1914, and has an enormous floor plan with over 170 rooms, and 34,000 square feet or (3,200 square meters). Guided tours of the castle allow visitors to view the incredible museum, which hosts one of the finest art collections in Eastern Europe. Each room offers a treasured set of Romanian history to admire.
11) The Romanian Tunnel of Love
The Tunnel of Love is an abandoned railway that is found between the cities of Otelu Rosu and Caransebe. Access to the tunnel is through a dirt road located between the two villages. The Tunnel of Love is a must-see place for couples.
12) Rock Sculpture of Decebalus
This magnificent rock sculpture is located near the city of Orşova, and was built as tribute to Decebalus, the last king of Dacia. The sculpture is significant because it marked a huge victory of independence for Romania against the Roman Empire.
13) Snow Covered Mountains of Bran Castle
Bran Castle is the eery castle more infamously referred to as Dracula's Castle. Despite the grim name, Bran Castle was not frequented very often by Vlad The Impaler, contrary to popular belief. Bran Castle is situated near Braşov, and offers a spectacular view of the countryside. Bran Castle is used as a popular museum attraction for tourists today.
Bran Castle is the eery castle more infamously referred to as Dracula's Castle. Despite the grim name, Bran Castle was not frequented very often by Vlad The Impaler, contrary to popular belief. Bran Castle is situated near Braşov, and offers a spectacular view of the countryside. Bran Castle is used as a popular museum attraction for tourists today.
14) Rising Fog Over The Maramureș
The Maramureș is a vast geographical region that is located by the upper Tisa River, and extends all the way into western Ukraine. The Maramureș is famous for its wooden churches and historical museums. The forests are home to many protected species of animals and plants.
15) Thin Fog Traveling Through The Apuseni Mountains
The Apuseni Mountains are located in Western Romanian Carpathians region of Transylvania. The Romanian translation for Apuseni means "of the sunset". The highest peak is Bihorul Peak or Cucurbăta Mare, which stands over 6,066 feet or (1,849 meters).
16) The Picturesque Hills of Holbav Village
A sheepherder is seen gathering up his flock for a daily journey through the stunning hills of Holbov Village. Holbav Village is situated in Braşov County. It was once part of the Vulcan Commune until its separation in 2004.
17) Picture Perfect Day At Retezat National Park
Retezat National Park belongs to the Seven Natural Wonders of Romania. The colorful scenery here is something straight out of a canvas painting. The park is a protected area, and was once featured in the Man and Biosphere Program of UNESCO.
18) The Wide Green Countryside of Brașov
Brașov is home to the black church, which is a famous Romanian landmark, and considered to be the largest Gothic style church in Southeastern Europe. Brașov also hosts the Golden Stag International Music Festival, and is the birthplace for the Romanian national anthem.
Burzenland is more commonly referred to as Țara Bârsei, was named after the Bârsa stream. Burzenland is based in the southeastern region of Transylvania, with a rich history that dates back to the early 12th century.
20) Last thing to do it's to Book a trip with us!
Plan a visit in those beautiful places, with Transylvanian Dreams Tourism Agency, is at on click away: www.transylvaniandreams.com
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